Saturday, July 18, 2009

front yard fun

Playing around with a 60mm macro lens in the front yard with all the little flowers. First time I've every done anything with macro and, let me tell you, focusing was quite a challenging (but i'm generally pretty focus impaired so that might just be my problem).

This first one is my favorite. The flower now has started to bloom and there are all these crazy wirey little purple hairs shooting out all over on it. I'm dying to taking another picture of it but (speaking of dying) my camera battery died and I can't find the charger (gah...I had to order a new one). Anywhooo, the colors look all washed out when I upload them to the internet...maybe I'm just being too picky but I swear they aren't as vibrant when I look at them normally out of photoshop or something. I don't know how to keep the colors the same once uploaded (that goes for all the photos on here, not just these flowers). They do usually look better when you click to see the enlargement though.

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