Monday, July 20, 2009

chilly flower

the flower hugging itself with its petals one chilly morning

Saturday, July 18, 2009

front yard fun

Playing around with a 60mm macro lens in the front yard with all the little flowers. First time I've every done anything with macro and, let me tell you, focusing was quite a challenging (but i'm generally pretty focus impaired so that might just be my problem).

This first one is my favorite. The flower now has started to bloom and there are all these crazy wirey little purple hairs shooting out all over on it. I'm dying to taking another picture of it but (speaking of dying) my camera battery died and I can't find the charger (gah...I had to order a new one). Anywhooo, the colors look all washed out when I upload them to the internet...maybe I'm just being too picky but I swear they aren't as vibrant when I look at them normally out of photoshop or something. I don't know how to keep the colors the same once uploaded (that goes for all the photos on here, not just these flowers). They do usually look better when you click to see the enlargement though.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

now we have a dog to go with the babies and sunsets...

Holga Project from March/April 09

A project I did at school last semester...I'm not really sure what I was going for lol and I basically winged it the entire time but it turned out how it turned out. These are all shot with 120 film (film is all I really use for school) and in a Holga camera. I was playing around with different techniques that I hadn't used in years (vaseline on the lens, solarization, tea staining). Some of the prints are stronger than others, and some of the prints I wouldn't like at all if they weren't a part of the bigger project. But for the most part I like them...

Sadly I don't know where about half of my pictures of these photos are saved so I only copied in some random single shots on here...I think the rest are saved on some external hard drive that is currently missing in action. (and sorry kerry, these probably aren't your cup of tea lol...and eileen, you've already seen these)

oh yeah, 16x20 prints on glossy fiber base (wish I had done 20x24 matte fiber, oh well)

As we all know, I scare extremely easily and have sworn off all scary movies (watching the Ring years ago was possibly the worst decision of my entire life lol). I didn't mean for this project to be scary at all (and it is just a coinsidence that my roommate, who modeled for the girl, has long dark hair) but some of them are admittedly a tad weird at best. It probably would have been comical to watch me in the film changing closet or in the dark room trying to work, since I was obsessively looking over my shoulder or (in the case of the film closet) frantically throwing my film in a canister before I finished putting it on the reel and jumping out of the tiny pitch black room. An empty photo studio in the wee hours of the morning is not the best place for a person who scares as easily as me to be haha so you can imagine how long it took me to actually suck it up and make these prints. I have them stacked up hidden in my closet so I don't have to look at them on a regular basis.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Eileen and Tony's Wedding Part 3: The Final Installment lol

Some pictures from Eileen and Tony's Wedding in Rhode Island :)
The photos are in order backwards so if you want to view them from start to finish than go down to the first post of their wedding and scroll upwards through the images (sorry about that). There are a bunch of point-and-shoot snapshots mixed in with these pictures so it's mainly more casual photos but still fun and pretty :)
(I hope this brightens your day at work Kerry haha)

Eileen and Tony's Wedding Part 2

Heading back to the house, the start of the reception (first dances, cutting the cake)