Sunday, October 30, 2011

October Snow Storm

1st few are from about 7:30 are from about 4pm
front yard:

turning onto patricia from crest; after the tree blockage was already cleared:
crest after being partially cleared; you can't see it well but power lines are drooping across the road at multiple points:
by erin's:
on patricia, facing irene:
erin's front yard...neighbor house is one on side closer to irene
walking down patricia:
on patricia:
walking down patricia, closer to crest can see the tree branches down in the foregound and background

on patricia, facing crest; this is after the tree was cleared, you the tree on the ground (which was actually bigger than it looks in this picture) had fallen across blocking the whole street....about 10 guys where out there trying to break it apart/chainsaw it until they pushed it out of the way like this...

facing erin's; turn the left, you can see the drooping power lines that are blocking the driveway:
turning onto claire from patricia; the rest are all from claire:

broken limbs on tree in side yard:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meg & Colls Engagement Pics

So this was such a rainy and dreary day! But Megan and Collins were troopers getting their pictures taken in the rain...I'm only disappointed it was so cloudy so I couldn't get fun lighting. But at least I had very photogenic subjects :)