Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Wasteland

Vast barren, dusty, sulfurous wastelands?? I think this calls for some English professors would be so proud...

What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water. Only
There is shadow under this red rock,
(Come in under the shadow of this red rock),
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.

(from The Burial of the Dead...the first section of The Wasteland......I love those last few lines)

Alright, enough of that lol.....obviously not all of Yellowstone is a wasteland (quite the contrary) but sections of it definitely earned the title...this little guy below looks like a face

hahaha this illustration on the sign is hilarious. it's for warning people not to wander away from the trails in the thermal areas because the ground is just a thin crust and you might break through into scalding hot water...the lady is freaking out (yet making no signs of assisting the boy) and the guy in the background isn't even pretending to care haha

definitely not like a wasteland....all the colorful bacteria in the super hot thermal pools....i think this is the morning glory one

hiking on a rainy day!


A little handful of pictures from my trip to Yellowstone that I just got back from a couple days ago. This is just sort of a random selection...

I have a thing for intentionally out of focus images, don't ask me to explain it, I just like the colors....

Venice, 2008

speaking of scanned prints, here's another darkroom print that I just found scanned on my mom's (obviously trying to look cooler than i am) in st. marc's square in venice last summer. 

My friend from school said that I look like I want to punch a pigeon. I guess I do look a tad disgruntled, however, if I had actually punched a pigeon I fear an entire flock of them probably would have descended on me for vengence...

some favorites

So I've had my camera for about a year now and I was looking over my old posts and decided to pick out a few favorites. Granted, I have a lot more photos than the ones posted on here...but my computer is currently having it's iphoto library restored (an annoying story that would only cause me a headache to explain)...and I don't feel like getting my external hard looks like I'll just be selecting my favorites from ones I've already posted before...

This one of St. Peters in Vatican City from last summer is definitely one of my favorite photos...I just realized though that I didn't even shoot this with my digital SLR (which was the point of my picking my favorites from the past year since I've had the dslr lol) matter of fact it isn't even's shot with my medium format bronica....this is a scan of the print (which I only did as 8x10 because it was the only paper I had with me at the time). I was kinda sloppy with my dodging and burning too (as you can see from the corner of St. Peters but, oh well, this print was just for fun anyways)

New York City (now that I think of it, this wasn't shot with my dslr either...):

Okay, so I'm positive these were all dslr shots
I love this shot of cooper...

I don't know if these next two are actually some of my favorites, but I guess I like them enough to incorporate them into this post...